YES Health (Your Experience: Speak up for your health care)
PI: Lisa Iezzoni, MD, MSc, Massachusetts General Hospital
YES Health (Your Experience: Speak up for better health care) is a PCORI-funded study with the goal of improving health care and community services for Massachusetts One Care members who have significant physical disabilities and/or mental health needs. One Care is a health plan that started in October 2013 for people in Massachusetts who have both MassHealth and Medicare. The YES Health project is managed by a research team from the Disability Policy Consortium and Monghan Institute for Health Policy at Massachusetts General Hospital; the PI is Lisa Iezzoni, MD, MSc.
Our work with the YES Health team began by exploring the target audience’s potential barriers and motivations to participation, then collaboratively developing a communication strategy to guide development of the study’s identity and website.
Our goal was to find a name that conveyed empowerment and respect, and was easy to recall. YES Health was unanimously and enthusiastically selected by our client from the options we created and presented.
Subsequent logo development was guided by the same messaging, producing a logo that connotes health and positive energy, and that is both easy to read and eye-catching.