Advancing Survivors’ Knowledge (ASK) About Skin Cancer

PI: Alan Geller, RN, MPH, Harvard School of Public Health
Participants in Alan Geller's RCT are adult survivors of childhood cancer who received radiation treatment and have not yet been diagnosed with a skin cancer. In addition to receiving a series of printed materials, they are able to log in to the study website to access additional information, videos, an image library, quizzes, and links to reliable resources. Each participant utilizes a unique login and detailed traffic analytics are tracked for the study’s analysis.
The site’s display adapts in response to the device the participant is using—desktop, tablet, or mobile. A customized mobile homepage provides quick access to the most commonly used sections of the site.

Some participants are randomized to receive a DermLite device, which attaches to their smart phones and allows them to take high-resolution images of abnormal marks on their skin. Using their phone, they can they can then upload their images to a secure repository where it is reviewed by the study dermatologist, who then provides a report which is sent to the participant's regular healthcare provider.

A separate section of the site provides physicians of participants with access to clinical guidelines, recent research, videos, and extensive information on the role of primary care in cancer survivorship.