Aspirin and Breast Cancer Trial launches website

(December 2016) Aspirin for Breast Cancer (ABC) Trial is a new research study led by Dana-Farber researcher Wendy Chen with co-PIs Michelle Holmes (Brigham and Women’s Hospital) and Eric Winer (Dana-Farber).
First in the U.S.
The study seeks to discover if aspirin can keep breast cancer from returning in people who previously had node-positive breast cancer. It is the first U.S. study to try and answer this question and is recruiting nearly 3,000 people who previously had breast cancer (download a flyer about the study).
ABC online
The Health Communication Core (HCC) developed and launched the website for the ABC Trial as an informational site for people who have joined the study and for those who may be interested in joining.
An informed strategy
HCC worked with the study team, including patient advocates who helped to develop the study and who are active advisors throughout the study, to develop a communication strategy to guide the site’s development. The strategy included study background, site audiences, calls to action—along with motivations (including the study’s simplicity and non-toxic approach) and barriers to those calls—and key messages that the site needed to convey.
Relying on simplicity
HCC edited the site’s content for clarity and appropriateness for a range of literacy levels.
The design of the site began with the logo that the study team developed, and relied on those themes of clarity and simplicity that originated with the study name and logo. The site’s colors and photography were carefully selected to support these themes, as well as to further an emotional connection between the study and its audiences.
Contact us for a free consultation on how we can help you develop a strategic online presence for your study or lab.