resources for researchers

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Blood samples and tumor specimens collected in the gastrointestinal (GI) cancer biobank at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) allow physician-scientists to look at molecular and genetic changes that may signal ...

The Center for Work, Health, and Well-being released Guidelines to support worker health, safety, and wellbeing in the workplace. To measure the extent to which the Guidelines were being accessed, HCC created a pop-up that ...

To increase awareness of the importance of cancer screening and early detection among firefighters who were exposed to high rates of carcinogens, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health partnered with the Boston Fire Department  ...

To facilitate researchers’ access to the Center for Cancer Genome Discovery's new cancer genome analysis technologies, HCC developed an online system to facilitate submission and review of collaboration proposals.

Planet MassCONECT homepage

The Planet MassCONECT project trains and supports members of community- and faith-based organizations as they plan, adapt, and implement evidence-based programs for health promotion.

The role of yoga and other mindfulness practices in treating depression and other mental health conditions has been studied for decades, and evidence is increasing that yoga may be helpful for some people with mood disorders. But symptoms of depression, such as a profound lack of motivation, feelings of hopelessness, and difficulty taking action, can make it difficult to get to classes.

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Many researchers come to us with a particular website challenge: They have spent the time and money to develop a website for their project, study, or lab, but over time, find themselves unable to update it.

An outdated site can reflect poorly on the site’s owner, particularly when it is a researcher who is trying to communicate about the cutting-edge research occurring in their lab or center. An outdated site can also cause study participants to question a study’s importance and possibly their own participation.

The longer a study collects data, the richer its findings become. Keeping participants engaged throughout their lifetimes is critical, but challenging.

The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (known as the Long-Term Follow-Up Study [LTFU] to its participants) is working with the Health Communication Core (HCC) to maximize the engagement of its nearly 25,000 participants.

WaTCH faced many challenges when it set out to examine the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on its most vulnerable victims. HCC worked with the study team to conduct focus groups with local community members who helped us understand their concerns and priorities. 

To encourage voluntary adoption of smoke-free policies by landlords, especially in subsidized and affordable housing, HCC worked with Boston Public Health Commission to create an awareness campaign.
